Computer news isn't really any better. I found a program online that was supposed to fix registry issues and the like, including .dll files. Well, in everyone else's case but mine. Humph. So right now I've lost my most recent class invoice for work, my week 4 and 5 beginning knitting file (for teaching - fortunately I had sent weeks 1-3 to my gmail account!) and my itunes is defunct. I tried downloading a new itunes, but same problem. Also reloaded office, still no change. Patrick offered to check it out when he gets home in March for spring break, so we'll see.
Knitting is going great however. I'm leaving soon this morning to try and find some decent buttons for my Kauni! Yes, I bound off last night and got all the ends tucked in and will hopefully sew buttons on today. Pictures probably tomorrow and then I'll block. Hooray! It got done in time for Madrona. I'm very relieved.
Besides my crazy list I posted, I do have class samples to make and store samples to work on. For work right now, I have a baby sweater (or is it a vest?) in Baby Cashmerino, the Louet felted cable bag out of Riverstone, a Leaf lace shawl out of Kauni (the brown, gold, blue colorway - gotta get this done for Madrona!) baby socks from the leftovers of Baby Cashmerino, and that's just what's currently in my bag. Gotta get these done quickly - the new spring yarns are starting to arrive, and there's some great stuff in there!
Pictures! I have pictures of lots of stuff - these would be from Christmas - on the left is Sara, and the right Patrick. I also did quite a bit of Christmas knitting - I didn't get pictures of everything, so I just have a bit of a representation. Final tally was 1 pair of socks for Patrick (look! Doug even learned how to knit - see below - he did one round!), 1 pair of socks for Doug out of ShiBui Sock, 1 pair of socks for my brother Dave, 1 wrap out of seasilk for my Mom (my own pattern - Mermaid Wrap which I really don't think I can post her because the shop paid me for the pattern. I suppose they basically own it, so I can't republish here), 6 felted sheep, a horizontal herringbone scarf out of Manos silk blend for Sara, a sweater for Patrick, a cabled shortie poncho out of Plymouth Baby Alpaca Grande for Sara, and an afghan for my mom and her fiance out of Manos wool. The sheep went one each to my sister-in-laws. Those are little wooden stars that I painted red, green, or yellow around their sheepy necks.
So, why don't I post too often? Guess I knit too much! I know I really need to get better about documenting my projects and I'm trying to get better about it.
Have a great day!