Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Spring's coming!

.....but first we have to get a bit of wet snow out of the way. We have some mixed snow and rain at our house this morning. I did spot some pulmonaria starting to bloom the other day though:

I love the cheery blue of pulmonaria and the freckles on the leaves as the year progresses. (I also have these in white and red - love them!)

The Fibertrends bunny is done - no picture yet, as she needs a nose and some accessories. This is a shop model, so I'll probably dress her with some of the Hana silk around her neck. We have some leftover laceweight too, so I'll see if I'm ambitious enough to make a little shawl.

Okay here's a funny one - I teach knitting. I stress the importance of a gauge swatch. Over and over again. I get the right gauge probably 90% of the time. Guess what I did? Didn't bother to swatch on the hemp6 top. Will be ripping out 7" tomorrow. I was wondering why those rounds were taking so long.

Have a great day!

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